Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between Lumenesse & Co and Australia’s South West?

Australia’s South West’s role is to support and drive the region’s tourism industry as a whole, whereas Lumenesse & Co provides advice and services to individual businesses within the tourism industry. ASW is able to provide members with industry best practice guidance at no cost, however tailored support, strategy development, execution of services or mentoring is where Lumenesse & Co steps in, with a fee. In addition, L&Co can service non-members, industry associations and local governments.

I pay for a membership with Australia’s South West. Why should I pay extra for Lumenesse & Co services; isn’t this covered by my ASW membership?

The ASW prospectus outlines in detail what services you have access to, based on your membership level. This includes listings of your business on Australia’s South West channels, networking opportunities and limited business development support.

Your membership also supports marketing activities that ASW undertakes to drive visitation and dispersal throughout the region.

As a small team of just 6, the ASW team are not able to provide individualised guidance to our 200+ members. However, we saw the need for many members to have access to affordable and reliable expertise, which is why we have set up Lumenesse & Co.

ASW offers Marketing add-on packages, is that different to Lumenesse & Co?

ASW’s marketing packages allow members to feature their business on ASW’s marketing channels, which gives that business exposure to ASW’s large audience of social media followers, website visitors and email subscribers. It is a paid advertising offering.

Lumenesse & Co provides deeper, hands-on marketing support and delivery to businesses, which may include management of your own social media or website, strategy development, advertising, audience identification and more.

A key selling point for Lumenesse & Co is the connection to ASW and their tourism expertise – will L&Co be staffed by ASW team members?

Lumenesse & Co is currently led by Madi Arnold, who has over 14 years of marketing experience. Madi works closely with the ASW team to tap into their respective areas of expertise.

As L&Co grows, a specialist team will be recruited to service clients. However, L&Co will continue to operate in the same office space as ASW, and there will remain oversight and input from the ASW team. This will allow ASW team members to focus on fulfilling their responsibilities to drive the region’s industry as a whole, but will ensure that L&Co is still able to tap into their deep tourism expertise.

Does Lumenesse & Co only provide services to ASW members? Can non-members engage L&Co?

L&Co can service clients who are not ASW members. While L&Co is focussed on the tourism industry, L&Co may also take on clients outside of the sector if appropriate.

Further, L&Co can take on clients outside of the South West region.

It is likely that L&Co will gain clients within the same category (e.g. wineries). How will L&Co manage competing clients?

Confidential information will remain confidential, and discrete plans/strategies will not be disclosed to other clients.

We believe there is much to be gained through collaboration and cooperation amongst “competing” businesses. As we know, visitors to the region will rarely just visit one operator/restaurant/winery during their trip. Tourists seek out a range of experiences, and we see an opportunity for tourism providers to benefit from each other.

L&Co and ASW together will support businesses in their collaboration efforts.

How much does it cost to work with L&Co?

Lumenesse and Co has been designed to be accessible for our clients, with competitive rates.

Costs vary depending on the services and seniority the client requires. We provide one-off project rates in addition to ongoing retainers.

Bespoke quotes will be developed for each client.

Why would a client choose to work with L&Co over other consultancies and agencies?

The three key differentiators for Lumenesse & Co are:

  1. Unparalleled tourism expertise: L&Co clients have access to a team with 100+ years of combined tourism expertise. Being plugged into ASW, the L&Co team have insider knowledge of tourism throughout WA and beyond.
  2. Profit for purpose: all L&Co profits are channelled back into driving collective exposure for our region, in addition to marketing activities to attract higher value visitation to the South West. We have a vested interest in the long-term development and sustainability of our clients’ businesses, because we know that a rising tide will lift all boats and make our corner of the world unmissable.
  3. Affordable and accessible: our pricing structure is competitive, offering clients the ability to access expertise cost-effectively.

What does the “& Co” part mean?

A core in-house team of tourism experts will be built within Lumenesse & Co over time. In addition to this in-house team, we may need to occasionally engage trusted 3rd party consultants to complement the abilities of our team.

The “& Co” refers to this network of trusted consultants and freelancers.

How do I work with Lumenesse & Co?

Reach out to Madi Arnold for an obligation-free chat:
0437 349 225